Elopement Scripts

Short & Sweet

We have joined here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of ____ and ____.
May the universe look kindly upon you as you begin the adventure of married life together.

____ , do you take ____ to be your lawfully wedded wife/partner/spouse?
To love, comfort, and cherish from this day forward, forsaking all others until death do you part?  (Respond with “I do”)
____ , do you take ____ to be your lawfully wedded husband/partner/spouse?
To love, comfort, and cherish from this day forward, forsaking all others until death do you part?   (Respond with “I do”)

Please present the rings…..
___, by placing the ring on her/his/their left hand, you are symbolizing your commitment for the whole world to witness.
Repeat after me,  “I promise to share my life with you, for better or for worse.  Please accept this ring as a symbol of my commitment and love.

___, by placing the ring on his/her/their left hand, you are symbolizing your commitment for the whole world to witness.
Repeat after me,  “I promise to share my life with you, for better or for worse.  Please accept this ring as a symbol of my commitment and love.

In this joyous moment, it is by the authority vested in me, that I pronounce you husband and wife/married partners for life.
You may kiss your bride/groom/spouse!

Contemporary, with Handholding

In marriage you make the most beautiful commitment in life; to love each other forever. You will share work and play, happiness and sadness, goals and values, family and friends, excitement and boredom. You will build a life which is stronger because you are now part of a team, a team that will go through life holding hands, always rooting for each other. We have come together today, to celebrate this special union between ________ and ________.  


_____, please face _____, and hold his/her/their hands, palms up, so you may see the gift that they are to you. These are the hands of your best friend, strong and unwavering. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow, and tears of joy.  These are the hands that will work alongside yours, together, as you build your future.  These hands will comfort you, care for you, and caress you through all the days of your lives. 


_____, please hold _______’s hands, palms up, so you may see the gift that they are to you. These are the hands of your best friend, soft and tender with love.  These are the hands that will hold you tight as you struggle through difficult times. These are the hands that will comfort you when you are sick, console you when you are sad, and clap for your success. These are the hands that will continue to work alongside yours, together, as you build your future.  And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.

———————–option 1, couple recites their own vows——————

With open hearts, and the very best of intentions, these dedicated hands were used to write wedding vows.  Let us hear them now;

———————–option 2,  vows read by minister————————–

_____ and _____,  every day you wake up grateful to be in each other’s life.    You know one another’s heart, and dreams, and goals.  Today, let those hearts become one as you move forward as a married couple.


   _____, Do you take _____ to be your wife/spouse, your best friend and partner?  To live together, play together and laugh together?  To fill her/his/their heart and feed her/his/their soul for the rest of your days?   

(GROOM/PERSON2 says, “I DO”)

 _____,  Do you take _____ to be your husband/spouse, your best friend and partner?  To live together, play together and laugh together?  To fill his/her/their heart and feed his/her/their soul for the rest of your days?   

(BRIDE/PERSON1 says, “I DO”)
———————–optional exchange of rings————————–

______, placing the ring on her/his/their left hand, please repeat after me, “_______, with this ring, I thee wed”  

(Groom/Person2 recites to the Bride/Person1)

______, placing the ring on his/her/their left hand, please repeat after me, “______, with this ring, I thee wed.”  

(BridePerson1 recites to the Groom/Person2)

By the power vested in me by the state of Massachusetts/_(or other)_, I now pronounce you husband and wife / married partners for life.  You may kiss (your bride/husband/spouse)!

Spiritual with an Irish Blessing

Today,  _____ and _____ pledge their unconditional love, and dedicate themself to grow together throughout the seasons of life.  

You are partners who will surely challenge each other, and accept each other’s challenges.   In marriage, you are bound together.  Committed to supporting and respecting one another’s individual journey of growth and belief.  You will cherish your union, expand your love, and promise to be a faithful and loving partner.  


In the presence of God/The Creator/Mother Earth,  Do you, ________, take  ________ to be your wife/husband/spouse, your partner in life and your one true love?

Groom/Person2 states, “I do.”

And do you, ________, take  ________ to be your husband/wife/spouse, your partner in life and your one true love? 

Bride/Person1 states, “I do.”

RING EXCHANGE (optional)

Rings are made of precious metal, but that same metal is also made precious by wearing them. Your wedding rings are special because they enhance who you already are. They are a sign of your journey together. Your wedding ring is a circle, a symbol of love never ending, and a seal to the vows you have just taken.

________, placing the ring on her/his/their left hand, please repeat after me, “_______, with this ring, I thee wed”  

(Groom/Person2 recites to the Bride/Person1)

______, placing the ring on his/her/their left hand, please repeat after me, “______, with this ring, I thee wed.”  

(Bride/Person1 recites to the Groom/Person2)


May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day;

May song birds serenade you every step along the way.

May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that’s always blue,

And may happiness fill your heart each day, your whole life through.


By the power vested in me by the State of ___________,  I now pronounce you husband and wife /h&h/w&w/married partners for life. You may kiss your bride/husband/spouse!

Marriage is Love

True marriage is more than joining the bond of marriage to two people; it is the union of two hearts. It lives on the love you give each other and continues to evolve, but never grows old.  Marriage is love.  A love that both seasons over time, and renews each day.


May you always be able to talk things over, to confide in each other, to laugh with each other, to enjoy life together, and to share moments of quiet and peace when the day is done. 


May you be blessed with a lifetime of happiness and a home of warmth and understanding.


May the love you share be an ever long source of support, joy and contentment.


___, do you take ___ to be your wife/husband/spouse..

To love, comfort, and cherish from this day forward? 

(Respond, I DO)


___, do you take ___ to be your husband..

To love, comfort, and cherish from this day forward?

(Respond I DO)

The wedding bands you have chosen today are perfect circles.  There is no beginning, and no end, representing everlasting love.  In times when you find yourselves apart, let them also remind you, you are not alone. 


___, placing the ring on ___’s finger, repeat after me……

___, I take you in marriage, today and forever. (REPEAT)

Wear this ring as a symbol of my love. (REPEAT)


___, placing the ring on ___’s finger, repeat after me……

___, I take you in marriage, today and forever. (REPEAT)

Wear this ring as a symbol of my love. (REPEAT)


In this joyous moment, it is by the authority vested in me, you are now husband and wife.


You may celebrate with a kiss!


In marriage you make the most beautiful commitment in life; to love each other forever. 

A long lasting marriage requires effort, dedication, and unending respect. 

As you declare your love today, I ask you to reflect on the meaning of partnership and its importance to a successful union.

Partners, in life, think of one another as teammates, equally capable, but each arriving with their own special skills.

A marriage thrives when each partner chooses to value the other: for everything they are, and for everything they’re not. There is no limit to what a partnership can accomplish when trust and admiration flow abundantly.

Today, ___ and ___ acknowledge this with excitement and are prepared to join hands in marriage.

Have you each come here on your own free will, with the intention to declare your love and enter into a legally binding marriage?

(Couple responds, “We have.”)

Then let’s begin by reading your vows.

  • (Insert your own vows here, or use the vows below)
  • I promise to always care for you, comfort you and celebrate with you.  To be a true and faithful partner through life’s joys and sorrows.  In sickness and in health, I will be by your side, ever grateful to have you by mine.

The wedding rings you have chosen symbolize the strength of your commitment and the depth of your love. 

Each ring has no beginning, for your love was written in the stars long before you met, and each ring has no end, just as your true and enduring love.

Please present one another your rings. (exchange)

Having witnessed your vows and intentions today, it is by the power vested in me that I now pronounce you husband and wife/married partners.

You may kiss the bride!

The content shown on my website is a combination of work authored by me, and derived from many sources throughout the officiant network.  I do not claim to be the original author of all the content on my page/s, nor am I able to credit an original author due to the widespread charitable sharing that goes on within our profession.